[HowTo] Use your Android phone as remote control for YouTube

In the past, we had written many tutorials on YouTube. We always like the ideas behind the user friendly features of almost all Google products. YouTube continually does innovations in the same area. As a result, we are going to explain…
[HowTo] Edit Videos online in YouTube

Let us start this tutorial , by telling you guys one interesting fact.  According to statistics, it is said that Facebook users watch 500 years of YouTube video everyday !  No need to mention, YouTube is the largest video sharing…
[Info] Now you can watch TV Shows in YouTube

YouTube is largest video sharing website in the internet world.  YouTube has added really good features over a period of time such as the Playlist feature, Movies, YouTube Live etc. YouTube is a good website to kill the free time.…

In one of our previous tutorials we explained how we can save the video from youtube , from temporary internet files. This tutorial explains the method to extract audio from youtube video. There are many toolbars available online, but we…

Hope this writeup helps many guys who are crazy watching videos over the web and in the mobile! Before you guys start, make sure that you have following softwares installed in your system – KLite codec pack. Download – Prism…