[HowTo] Remove Babylon Search from Chrome

[HowTo] Remove Babylon Search from Chrome

I recently had a Babylon search engine page open up on my Chrome browser each and every time I open up Chrome. I am not sure how the Babylon search page ended up on my browser but I sure wanted to remove that nuisance. Figured out a way to do that and thought that I would share the same in a step by step approach.

Step 1: Navigate to Spanner Icon -> Settings. Click on the set pages option in the On Start-up options list as shown in the image below.



Step 2: A popup window containing all your startup pages will be displayed. The unwanted Babylon Search page will also be displayed along with your default Browser engine. Highlight the Babylon search by hovering on it, click on the cross mark as shown in the image below and click on ok. The unwanted Babylon search page will not bother you after that.



Step 3: This is just a bonus info about managing your search engines in Chrome. Navigate to Spanner Icon -> Settings -> Manage Search Engines. When you click on this a popup window with a list of search engines will be displayed.



Here you can

*Set a search engine as default
*Remove a search engine
*Add a search engine

You can choose to remove the Babylon Search engine completely from Chrome. Also you can find many more of our Chrome tips, tricks, tweaks and personalizations here.

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