In this tutorial we will explain , how you can send SMS from your computer , connecting your mobile via Bluetooth. The message goes from your number to the respective recipients.
You need
– Computer with Bluetooth connection, you can have a desktop with Bluetooth dongle , and almost all laptops are Bluetooth enabled
– Microsoft outlook express
– Mobile with Bluetooth
– Bluetooth application , which comes along with the operating system or the dongle
Once you have all these, connect your mobile to computer via Bluetooth, authorize your mobile and after that you must be able to see your mobile in the Devices and Printers section in the control panel
Right click on the mobile, and then go to properties, select Hardware tab, note down the Bluetooth modem name
Download Microsoft Outlook SMS addon from here and install it
A new button appears in the outlook , for sending new SMS message,
Go to options , select the appropriate modem over Bluetooth which you noted down in the device properties earlier
Click on “New SMS message” , select the mobile number , compose the message and click on SEND !
I’m going to have to give this a try… Never thought about it like that. I wonder if its easier than using this website?
Free and NO registration required either.
> You need
> – Computer with Bluetooth connection
A small point: “Computer” and “Windows Computer” are not equivalent expressions. Some of us do have Macs. 🙂