[HowTo] Add right click context menu entry to lock your computer

[HowTo] Add right click context menu entry to lock your computer

In one of our previous tutorials, we explained how you can add the right click menu entry which can be used to shutdown the PC

We found one more such thing, which we thought to share with you

This tutorial explains you how you can change registry entries to create a new right click context menu entry to Lock the system.
After registry changes, your desktop context menu looks like this

Editing registry entries can be risky, follow the mentioned steps properly , else, if you get
confused in between, revert the changes and close the registry editor

Steps :

– First, open the registry editor : Start Menu -> Run : type regedit , You should see the following main keys

– Expand the key, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT , Then Search for “Desktop” : Expand the key showed below (shell)

Please note that , some of the desktop context menu entries are visible under this key, You can verify if you have selected the correct key by cross checking the sub-keys with the desktop context menu entries, Also this tutorial has been tested in Windows 7, Please use the proper desktop key whatever available in your operating system , and verify the sub-keys.

– Expand Shell, and notice few desktop context menu entries.Right click on Shell, and select NEW->Key

– Name the key as “Lock System

– Expand newly created key “Lock System” and create one more key under “Lock System” , name this key as “command

– Double click on command key, on the right panel, you will see “Default” value for this key, Double click on “Default“.

– Change the value to “rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation” as shown in the picture, and click on OK.

– Close the registry editor.

Now , right click on the desktop, you should see the option for locking the system, click the option to lock the system.

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