Add stop, refresh, new window buttons in Firefox 4

We explained about Firefox 4 sync feature in previous post. In this tutorial we will explain, how you can customize Firefox 4 toolbar. This tutorial helps you to separate the “Stop“, “Refresh” and “New Window” buttons in Firefox 4.

When you install Firefox 4, you can see an address bar and search bar , with just forward and back buttons . It looks something like this.

To make browsing easy, we will separate few buttons now, add few buttons which are required and essential.

Right click on the Tab Area, and select the customize option.

Locate the separator and drag-drop the separator between stop and refresh buttons.

Your stop and reload buttons will now appear near to the address bar.

Similarly, you can add “New Window” button next to the Back, and forward button.

You can choose to add print and download buttons as well, but those are not frequently used , so better not to have those buttons on the toolbar.

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2 thoughts on “Add stop, refresh, new window buttons in Firefox 4

  1. i got a question .. a little wired though. even after auto updates.. my firefox didnt update itseld to v4.0.. you got any idea…. why do we need to manually download the firefox 4.0v 🙁
    (not a big deal but still)

  2. Firefox 3.X series can never get updated to Firefox 4.0
    It is a “upgrade” not “update” , So you should download and install Firefox 4.0

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