There are many ways to earn money online. By blogging, freelancing etc. If you are not so much into writing stuff, then there is a easy way to earn money online.
Amazon mechanical turk offers you to work on small projects, like reviewing podcasts, tagging photo, data entry jobs etc. when you have time, pick one of these projects and start working.
Here is the screenshot of the dashboard.
The tasks listed here are called HIT (Human Intelligence Tasks) and cannot be completed only by using computers. You need to take small tests to get “qualifications” from amazon. Once you qualify, you can pick the projects matching your skill set and start working on them.
You can withdraw money in Indian rupees as well.
So, If you are interested , you can sign up here
2 thoughts on “Earn money online – amazon mturk”
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Nice write-up. Based on your screenshot, I’d recommend working on a large batch of simple small HITs so you can get your approval rate up. There are many requesters who filter for workers with 90%+ approval ratings. It wouldn’t take much to get over that bar, and that should get expose you to more HITs. Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot for the information.
I will work on that. I never knew this before 🙂